Everybody knows a perfect couple when they see them. They might be your neighbors, they could be your friends, and they could even be your relatives. Washing machines and dryers should be a perfect match but when it comes to buying these appliances opposites don´t attract. Today, we´ll be playing the matchmaker by reviewing the […]
Best Refrigerator 2025 – Buyer’s Guide & Review
Sometimes all you can do is look at your old refrigerator and think: “you used to be cool.” When that happens, it’s time to start planning for an upgrade. In modern houses, kitchens are as much a space for entertaining as they are for cooking. This is especially true in unified kitchen/ dining rooms, where […]
Best Toaster Oven 2025 – Buyer’s Guide & Review
Toaster ovens typically conjure up memories of student life. Heating up pizza for what felt like the rest of eternity. It’s an unfair reputation for an appliance that is fast becoming a rival to the traditional oven in kitchens across America. The modern toaster oven is commonly fitted with a turbo, or convection feature. Convection […]
Best Dishwasher 2019 – Buyer’s Guide
Twenty years ago, dishwashers weren’t all that common. Now, however, they’re a staple of family kitchens, because they make short work of maintaining a clean and healthy home. Whether you’re washing for one or taking care of a small army, they can cut your pot washing routines in half. It is why we’re going to […]